Divorce Coaching for the Breakthrough of Your Life

Create your best life ever
on the other side of the split

(even if that seems impossible right now)  

Divorce scrambles your emotions and throws your future into question; maybe your identity, too.


Early on, all you may know for sure is that you don't want to end up bitter, angry, and alone. And you don't have to.


If you know where to look, you'll find that the turmoil has exposed the strongest, wisest, and healthiest parts of you. Your bedrock. 


Let's build a path forward on that, and it'll take you far beyond avoiding the worst outcomes.


You'll claim a life more invigorating, meaningful, and joyful than anything you dared imagine before.

Divorce Coaching for the Breakthrough of Your Life

Create your best life ever
on the other side of the split

(even if that seems impossible right now)  

Divorce scrambles your emotions and throws your future into question; maybe your identity, too.


Early on, all you may know for sure is that you don't want to end up bitter, angry, and alone. And you don't have to.


If you know where to look, you'll find that the turmoil has exposed the strongest, wisest, and healthiest parts of you. Your bedrock. 


Let's build a path forward on that, and it'll take you far beyond avoiding the worst outcomes.


You'll claim a life more invigorating, meaningful, and joyful than anything you dared imagine before.

You're Covered,

Every Step of the Way 

Most divorced people don't make it through all of these stages. Many get stuck in survival mode without even realizing it. What's the reward for moving through the process consciously and intentionally? Possibilities that expand in all directions with each step.

Coach for surviving divorce


Fear and uncertainty abound. Shame, anger, and even hope and excitement appear, too. The emotional rollercoaster leaves you feeling exhausted and out of control.

Get your thoughts and emotions back on solid ground

  • Depower your worries

    The latest mind-body techniques will help you come to rest naturally in feelings of ease and calm. 

  • Cover your downside

    Let's identify what worries are worth worrying about, and build a strategy for handling them wisely.

  • Build your confidence

    As you begin to master this difficult period, you'll start to believe you can do anything. Which you can.

Los Angeles divorce recovery coach


Important questions arise: Freed from this broken relationshipwhat shape might I take? What else is constraining me? The future holds great promise for those who can find the answers.

Reassess your path, and yourself, with fresh eyes

  • Rescue parts of you

    Our three-hour Core Self Interview™ reveals the values, needs, and strengths you've been neglecting. 

  • Illuminate your blind spots

    Internal conflicts and faulty beliefs keep you stuck repeating history. Let's light them up with new insight. 

  • Let your inner expert lead

    Your Core Self Blueprint™ translates what we've learned of your best self into a roadmap to your best life.

Los Angeles divorce coach


You're primed for the journey of a lifetime. If you can avoid derailing, and keep your inner expert in charge, you'll find a beautiful new world forming itself naturally around your new shape. 

Take your new life for a spin,

and see where it takes you

  • Take steps (or giant leaps)

    We'll plan each week's and month's action steps together, so you'll never stagnate or feel unsupported. 

  • Keep science on your side

    You'll achieve your new goals and have fun doing it, using ripped-from-the-journals motivation secrets.

  • Sustain your gains

    Ongoing guidance and training means your breakthrough will last a lifetime.

You're Covered,

Every Step of the Way 

Most divorced people don't make it through all of these stages. Many get stuck in survival mode without even realizing it. What's the reward for moving through the process consciously and intentionally? Possibilities that expand in all directions with each step.

Coach for surviving divorce


Fear and uncertainty abound. Shame, anger, and even hope and excitement appear, too. The emotional rollercoaster leaves you feeling exhausted and out of control.

Get your thoughts and emotions back on solid ground

  • Depower your worries

    The latest mind-body techniques will help you come to rest naturally in feelings of ease and calm. 

  • Cover your downside

    Let's identify what worries are worth worrying about, and build a strategy for handling them wisely.

  • Build your confidence

    As you begin to master this difficult period, you'll start to believe you can do anything. Which you can.

Los Angeles divorce recovery coach


Important questions arise: Freed from this broken relationshipwhat shape might I take? What else is constraining me? The future holds great promise for those who can find the answers.

Reassess your path, and yourself, with fresh eyes

  • Rescue parts of you

    Our three-hour Core Self Interview™ reveals the values, needs, and strengths you've been neglecting. 

  • Illuminate your blind spots

    Internal conflicts and faulty beliefs keep you stuck repeating history. Let's light them up with new insight. 

  • Let your inner expert lead

    Your Core Self Blueprint™ translates what we've learned of your best self into a roadmap to your best life.

Los Angeles divorce coach


You're primed for the journey of a lifetime. If you can avoid derailing, and keep your inner expert in charge, you'll find a beautiful new world forming itself naturally around your new shape. 

Take your new life for a spin,

and see where it takes you

  • Take steps (or giant leaps)

    We'll plan each week's and month's action steps together, so you'll never stagnate or feel unsupported. 

  • Keep science on your side

    You'll achieve your new goals and have fun doing it, using ripped-from-the-journals motivation secrets.

  • Sustain your gains

    Ongoing guidance and training means your breakthrough will last a lifetime.

What's Really Possible for You?

A bright new future can sound like an impossible dream, or even overwhelming, if you're struggling with worries that seem all too real. Don't worry—we'll address these issues that may concern you most right now.   


Marriage is a joining, so separation can leave you feeling raw and incomplete, and facing an identity crisis. Just like a stormy sea, though, it's calm underneath. Always has been.


I'm an expert in reconnecting you with the core values, needs, and strengths that long predated your marriage, and hold the keys to your most authentic life.


It wouldn't be unusual for feelings of guilt or shame to arise during the divorce process. And sure, we'll see if you could have done something better, so you can grow.


But we'll also unwind the beliefs that don't serve you, and amplify the goodness within you that you're missing. Self-compassion is the name of the game here. 


You may worry about your relationship with the kids, how to talk to people about your divorce, or whether you'll be able to—or will want to—let someone in to your heart again. 


Whatever your questions are, we'll find the answers, and build the skills and strategies for healthy, effective communication and boundaries with everyone you choose to have in your life. 

What's Really Possible for You?

A bright new future can sound like an impossible dream, or even overwhelming, if you're struggling with worries that seem all too real. Don't worry—we'll address these issues that may concern you most right now.   


Marriage is a joining, so separation can leave you feeling raw and incomplete, and facing an identity crisis. Just like a stormy sea, though, it's calm underneath. Always has been.


I'm an expert in reconnecting you with the core values, needs, and strengths that long predated your marriage, and hold the keys to your most authentic life.


It wouldn't be unusual for feelings of guilt or shame to arise during the divorce process. And sure, we'll see if you could have done something better, so you can grow.


But we'll also unwind the beliefs that don't serve you, and amplify the goodness within you that you're missing. Self-compassion is the name of the game here. 


You may worry about your relationship with the kids, how to talk to people about your divorce, or whether you'll be able to—or will want to—let someone in to your heart again. 


Whatever your questions are, we'll find the answers, and build the skills and strategies for healthy, effective communication and boundaries with everyone you choose to have in your life. 


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What's Divorce Coaching Like? 

You're not here to have an off-the-rack life. So, I give you an elite coaching program, with each step fitted to you exactly, and you get one-of-a-kind results.

  • Solid and Proven

    You can't bet your post-divorce life on wishful thinking. Whether you're facing down fear in the Survival stage, rediscovering yourself in Recovery, or hopping out of bed each morning to Thrive, you'll be making your own luck with our rational approach. 

  • Flexible and Customized

    Your primitive survival-based instincts are powerful, and natural. But in order to thrive, you'll need to take into account a very different set of needs, and take a different set of actions. Your Core Self Blueprint™ brings it all together. 

  • Fun and Creative

    Since the last thing we would do is constrain you with a one-size-fits-all approach, our coaching is a process of ongoing discovery and refinement. We'll explore and experiment with a spirit of childlike curiosity. And probably some laughter.

    Are We a Good Fit?

    Here's what I know about the clients who amaze themselves, inspire the people around them, and exceed all expectations—even mine.

    • You're open to trying new things

      Positive change involves novelty and uncertainty by definition, and those can be uncomfortable. But they're the price of admission to your dream. 

    • You can trust a process

      You can get new clarity, strategies, habits, and outcomes overnight, or you can have them last, but not both. 

    • You're curious

      Did you drive your parents crazy asking why the sky is blue, and now you just need to understand why you do (or don't do) things? You're already on the right track.

    • You see yourself as a whole person

      Each part of your life affects, and is affected by, all the other parts of your life, so you know it all needs to be considered. Right? 

    • You have a sense of humor

      Your life may not feel great right now, but if you can unclench enough to laugh at yourself (and me?) sometimes, you'll be letting oxygen in, exactly where it's needed.

    What's Divorce Coaching Like? 

    You're not here to have an off-the-rack life. So, I give you an elite coaching program, with each step fitted to you exactly, and you get one-of-a-kind results.

    • Solid and Proven

      You can't bet your post-divorce life on wishful thinking. Whether you're facing down fear in the Survival stage, rediscovering yourself in Recovery, or hopping out of bed each morning to Thrive, you'll be making your own luck with our rational approach. 

    • Flexible and Customized

      Your primitive survival-based instincts are powerful, and natural. But in order to thrive, you'll need to take into account a very different set of needs, and take a different set of actions. Your Core Self Blueprint™ brings it all together. 

    • Fun and Creative

      Since the last thing we would do is constrain you with a one-size-fits-all approach, our coaching is a process of ongoing discovery and refinement. We'll explore and experiment with a spirit of childlike curiosity. And probably some laughter.

      Are We a Good Fit?

      Here's what I know about the clients who amaze themselves, inspire the people around them, and exceed all expectations—even mine.

      • You're open to trying new things

        Positive change involves novelty and uncertainty by definition, and those can be uncomfortable. But they're the price of admission to your dream. 

      • You can trust a process

        You can get new clarity, strategies, habits, and outcomes overnight, or you can have them last, but not both. 

      • You're curious

        Did you drive your parents crazy asking why the sky is blue, and now you just need to understand why you do (or don't do) things? You're already on the right track.

      • You see yourself as a whole person

        Each part of your life affects, and is affected by, all the other parts of your life, so you know it all needs to be considered. Right? 

      • You have a sense of humor

        Your life may not feel great right now, but if you can unclench enough to laugh at yourself (and me?) sometimes, you'll be letting oxygen in, exactly where it's needed.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Do you work with men or women?

      How long does coaching take?

      Is this therapy?

      Do you provide legal or financial advice?

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Do you work with men or women?

      How long does coaching take?

      Is this therapy?

      Do you provide legal or financial advice?